Norway Is Green – But Not Green Enough, Say Students

Norway is a land of contradictions. Although it is admired internationally as a green role model—having pledged to become climate-neutral by 2030 and relying on hydroelectric power and electric cars—Norway is also a major oil and gas exporter. The resulting paradox has spurred a new generation of environmentally conscious young Norwegians. These young people are challenging political decisions over oil exploration and advocating for a sustainable future, while scrutinizing Norwegian companies on environmental issues.

The push for sustainability among Norwegian students is strong. Lauren Guido, a 21-year-old international development and environmental studies student at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, notes that “the green movement is on people’s minds.” Arnstein Vestre, a 25-year-old part-time worker at Greenpeace Norway, adds that “young people understand the urgency. We are the ones who will have to inherit the problems.”

Taking Legal Action Against Hypocrisy

Nature and Youth is a youth group with around 8,000 members aged 13-25, which, along with Greenpeace and other independent activists, has filed a lawsuit against the Norwegian government. The decision to open up the Barents Sea for oil exploration is the basis for the legal action. Ingrid Skjoldvær, 23, the leader of Nature and Youth, says “oil is the issue that’s most difficult to talk about in Norway.” Skjoldvær adds that while Norway is seen as a good guy internationally, “we’re not doing what’s necessary at home. So we need to walk the walk.”

The case against the government centers on a claim that it has violated an aspect of the Norwegian constitution that says future generations have a right to a healthy environment. “It’s unique because this clause hasn’t been cited before, so it’s exciting,” Skjoldvær explains. Vestre adds that “Norway aspires to be a global leader on climate change and to inspire others to action. But if we want to do that, we can’t have this kind of hypocrisy.”

Holding Politicians Accountable

Even school-aged children have strong views on Norway’s environmental issues. At “my city, my responsibility,” a project organized by InterBridge, 19 school children were given a platform to make their demands of politicians. After four weekends of workshops and discussions, they presented their ideas, which included making greater use of renewable energy, reducing meat and dairy consumption, and making bicycles more easily available to the public.

Fourteen-year-old Amanda Anvar spoke to politicians about her worries over Norway’s global impact. “I want my children to grow up in a city where energy comes from a credible source, and where people on the other side of the world don’t have to suffer for us to use it,” she says. Michelle Ann Wurschmidt, 16, noted that “Norway should focus on renewable energy, rather than our precious dirty gold, meaning our oil.” She continues, “Presenting to politicians was an emotional rollercoaster. But I want to show them that young people are capable of more than just using their parents’ money.”

Challenging Companies

Norwegian university students are infiltrating corporations and demanding a more sustainable approach. Enabled by the social enterprise The Innovation Effect, students are conducting research on Orkla, one of Norway’s largest companies. The team of students is scrutinizing Orkla to see how it could become more environmentally friendly.

Guido says that working within a company while remaining independent puts you in a powerful position. “A lot of people think of big companies as the bad guys.” But working with business can make change happen, she adds. “We can be the bridge between them and the public.” The team of students presented their findings, including a need for greater transparency and more affordable sustainable products, to Orkla at Oslo Innovation Week. They spoke to a room full of business leaders, including those from Orkla, in the hope of inspiring other Norwegian businesses to take note.

The New Power of Environmentally Conscious Young People

A generation of young people focused on the environment has the potential to create significant change. Caroline Strømme, a 25-year-old BI Norwegian Business School student, believes that young people possess many innovative ideas that major corporations underestimate. Being unaffiliated with large firms allows young people the freedom to think outside the box and use their imaginations. Guido, a fellow student at the university, agrees, citing resilience as a crucial attribute. In a world where merely attending college does not guarantee employment, young people must be resourceful and crafty to succeed.

However, communicating these values to older generations poses a challenge, as young people must present their beliefs in ways older individuals understand. Anette Gutterød, a Kristiania University College student, asserts that those in the elder community sometimes fail to grasp the urgency of climate change. Young individuals possess the crucial knowledge and creativity necessary to push the needle forward, but they must communicate their ideas in relatable language to engage older generations.

Growing up in a country renowned for its strong environmental policies and wealth based on oil, young Norwegians have formed firm stances regarding our planet’s wellbeing. However, more individuals from this generation must advocate for the environment to draw greater attention to this pressing issue. To affect profound change, young people must step up and use their voices. According to Wurschmidt, many young adults mistakenly believe their opinions hold little weight. The youth possess an essential role in shaping our future and must claim their right to be heard.

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  • spencerknight

    I'm Spencer Knight, a 29-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about a variety of topics related to education, from teaching strategies to student success stories. I hope to help others achieve their educational goals and help them develop a lifelong love of learning.



I'm Spencer Knight, a 29-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about a variety of topics related to education, from teaching strategies to student success stories. I hope to help others achieve their educational goals and help them develop a lifelong love of learning.

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