The Use Of Indentured Servants And Slaves In Colonial America

America’s discovery led to Europe moving towards the coast and claiming everything that was available. Slavery and land grants were more popular due to insufficient wealth discoveries. Indentured slaves, natives, as well as white indentured servitors, became more important during the 17th century. Slavery is not only a benefit for the master, but also the economic gains they bring to society. Even though land was granted to the New World through headrights, it was difficult to make a profit, especially in a joint stock state. Slavery has had an adverse effect on the economy and society in general. Discrimination, prejudice and belief in racial supremacy that were common in the 17thcentury still prevail today.

The majority of people forced to labor in 17th-century Britain were poor white migrants who gave up their freedom and signed an indenture to help them reach the New World. An indentured servant will work for one person at a time. The servants are freed after the time has expired and the person they worked for is liable for their dues. Slaves, however, are treated the same as indentured slaves but are usually more expensive and never get to freedom. Slavery is a result of having too many slaves or servitors in an area. Virginia Laws Governing Servants and Slaves says that children born in this country must be held “bond [slave] or free” according to their mothers’ condition. (Virginia Servant and Slave Laws, Handout Set p. 2). This law makes the master a profit because a female slave who becomes pregnant will, conscientiously or not, become a slave to her holder, adding to the labor force. Another example is the 1661 law that penalized runaway servants. It states that indentured persons will serve twice as much servitude to their holder for missing labor. Lost servants and slaves lead to lost profits.

Forced labor is a sure way to make a profit. This quote says it all: “The politics and economy of southern colonies were dominated by the slaveholding class.” This is a generalization that shows the economic boom and profiting without slavery. However, slaves who didn’t enjoy their slavery revolted and more laws were passed.

Colonial America had one goal: to make money. The slaves, however, desired freedom. These two factors combined led to rebellions against their masters, which resulted in the passage of additional laws. “If any slave resists his master )…, his death shall not result in a felony,” was a 1669 law. This basically states that killing slaves is legal. This law depicts slaves resisting the holders. This resistance led to a third law three years later that stated that many Indians, servants, and slaves were rebelling across the country, posing a threat in some areas. Any person can challenge or pursue resistance to this by wounding or executing them. These laws not only match each other, but also show the disputes between slaves or servants and their masters. They can also be used as a preventative measure to avoid uprisings.

This is evident in the Stono Rebellion that took place in South Carolina in 1739. It was a twenty-seven slave attack on a country shop, taking weapons & ammunition. Twenty people were killed by other slaves who joined in. According to this sentence, “The Stono Rebellion demonstrated that 18th-century slaves were not capable of abolishing slavery or defending themselves in bold strikes for freedom. During that time, no revolts occurred again. Overall, it shows that, even though the Stono Rebellion was unsuccessful in its goal, slaves and servants refused to work any more, leading to rebellion or running away. It also shows that the holders were able to suppress resisters, which is a sign of their dominance.

All of this has one thing in common. It’s because of slavery discrimination that belief that one race is superior to another persists into the 21st-century. According to a report from July 2018, titled “Protests continue in Pittsburgh” about the police shooting and killing Antwon Rosa Jr, a black 17-year old student. The Black Lives Matter supporters marched up to the East Pittsburgh Police Station demanding retribution. This is just one example of many that have remained. These issues are still far from being resolved.

The discovery and subsequent expansion of Colonial America provided more land for Europeans. Slavery was an attractive option in the hope of making profits. Investors saw the value in using slaves and servants as a way to make a profit. Slaves and servants, who were not able to work, tried to rebel. However it rarely worked out. This perpetuated the belief that owners are very dominant. Slavery not only impacted the economy in 17th century, but also influenced how people view each other. This prejudice and racism is still evident in 21st century.


  • spencerknight

    I'm Spencer Knight, a 29-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about a variety of topics related to education, from teaching strategies to student success stories. I hope to help others achieve their educational goals and help them develop a lifelong love of learning.



I'm Spencer Knight, a 29-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about a variety of topics related to education, from teaching strategies to student success stories. I hope to help others achieve their educational goals and help them develop a lifelong love of learning.

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